Treasure Hunt

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Day 23: Sleek and Stark

Clearance items at Ross are the best. This Ralph Lauren dress was originally 49.99, but the price was reduced so much that after a long time, it got down to 42 cents. There is no beating that anywhere. The theme for today was a stark, black and white style that appears sleek and manicured, hence why I have my hair slicked back into a high ponytail. The necklace and earrings set was a beautiful gift and the ring was from a yard sale. Even though they came from different places, they look so great together it doesn't even matter and they will always be paired together in the future. The cherry on top of the outfit is the rhinestone headband (yard sale) to add an extra bit of pizazz. The belt came with the polka dot dress from Vintage Vibe, so I'm just recycling, a smart choice for a girl on a budget. Looking classy and sophisticated is possible even for those with little money to spare. As a last thought, wear the shoes that make you happy with this kind of outfit, it'll work with most stylish, classy shoes, whether they be heels, flats, wedges, etc.
Dress: $. 42
Ring:$. 50
Outfit: $ 3.92
Low cost is not necessarily low class. Keep an open mind in order to let beautiful clothing, regardless of where it was bought or how much it was, into your heart. 

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