Treasure Hunt

Saturday, December 5, 2015

Day 68: Time for Teal

It feels so productive to match. A lot of decisions go into which necklace should be paired with which outfit and what shoes would look best. In the end, all I might get is a passing "you look cute," but most people don't understand my level of enthusiasm for matching. The only reward I get after putting in so much effort is self confidence, and honestly, that is enough for me. The necklace and earrings were bought as a set from a yard sale (all the other items came from yard sales too, with the exception of the tights) and have the perfect hues for this outfit. The tights came from Target and were bought with those free gift cards, so they might as well be free. I always feel extremely feminine when I wear tights. It's actually pretty hard to express why, but try it sometime and maybe you'll feel the same way. 
Cardigan:$. 50
Ring:$. 50
Outfit :$ 7
Love how you look. Look how you like. 

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