Treasure Hunt

Sunday, January 31, 2016

Day 125: Darling Doll

In reality, the pinks actually match, just thought I'd say that up front since it was hard to capture the colors. We've got some patten mixing going on here, though nothing too extreme. Polka dots and plaid are about the most basic patterns out there so pairing the two is not a big leap. Her accent flowers, of course, fit right in, in both color and texture. It always helps to set the scene too. I took into consideration the yellow of the shorts and placed her rocking chair in front of these flowers to brighten up the overall ambiance. This is a pretty great play outfit, on top of being cute. It's easy to move around in and the materials are standard, so no worries if there are stains. The shirt and shirts are both from yard sales as well as the socks. The hair band is from a set that she got a long time ago. 
Shorts :$ 2 
Socks:$. 25 
Hair band:$. 25 
Outfit :$ 4.50
Appreciation of style is appreciation of art. 

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