Treasure Hunt

Monday, February 1, 2016

Day 126: Smart meets Sharp

When I first showed these shoes to my mom her reaction was "They look like something your dad would wear." But, I ask this seriously, what is wrong with that? My motto is that I can make anything look good, and it is mainly about placing items in the proper outfit. I didn't want to drop the shoes into a ridiculously girly outfit, so I also added this hat that I got from my grandpa, may he rest in peace. This is an awesome hat because it has ear flaps for the cold weather that fold inwards for when the weather is warm. 
The look was meant to be a play off the dapper clothes men get to wear, with a feminine twist. It's both sharp and chic, and the gold jewelry accents the buckles of the shoes to boot. The mahogany color of the Nine West loafers were what really sold me on them, that and the price. They were originally more expensive (were reduced to $9.99 from $19.99 when I first encountered them), but they got marked down again the second time I looked at them. I figured it must be fate if I met an item twice at Ross and it got a reduced price on top of that. After I tinkered with my outfit, let's just say that my mom now wholly approves of the shoes. The dress was also from Ross, the necklace and bracelet from a yard sale, and I've featured the tights before in Allusion to Alice where my story of how I got them is as well. 
Dress:$. 42
Bracelet :$ 2
Outfit :$ 7. 21
There's nothing wrong with borrowing a bit from the boys.

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